Friday, June 17, 2011


So, I have finally joined the dark side and created a twitter account! Took me a while to get used to the idea, for some reason I found it very odd, but I thought I'd give it a try and see how it works out..


monamour said...

Twitter is very addicting. Be afraid - be very afraid. :P

Mariam said...

I just spent about three hours editing my profile and "following" people.. I think it's too late!! I'm already sucked in!! haha!! oh.. are you on there? :P (just to prove the point lol!)

LuLu said...

OMG I was toying with the same idea for sometime. Shall I or should I stay well clear?

monamour said...

Yeah i'm on there! i think imma follow you - called Moleeza if you're wondering who's following you! lol what did i say? very addictive :P

Mariam said...

Lulu.. go ahead!! I'm sure you'll like it :)