Saturday, November 14, 2009

[36/52] Sweet November

Autumn is the best time in Egypt, I call it "the Egyptian spring", as spring here is not at all pleasant. With dust storms and strong, yellowish winds, it is not at all the "typical" sweet, refreshing spring.
Everything is lovely in the autumn. The skies are crystal clear, silky blue, the clouds fluffy, the sunshine sweet and warm, and the breeze cool with refreshing scents. Spending time outdoors, reading a book, or playing with your pet, or simply relaxing with your family, is really pleasant and therapeutic, and makes one appreciate all the splendors God has created for us to enjoy, and thank him for it by being modest and preforming our duties with the most cheerful manner. This might sound a bit like preaching, but it is exactly how I'm feeling these days :)

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