.. to live in a place where you no longer have to defend yourself and your beliefs or to justify your behavior. To live with people who share the exact same goals as you, and would work with you, together, in a civilized manner towards achieving these goals. To live freely, with enough space for you to grow and learn, and your spirit to flourish... to belong to a place you can wholeheartedly call home.
..is that too much to ask for?
Assalaamu alaikum,
Yes, yes it is :)
wa alykom alsalam!
.. yes, that's what I've been hearing :(
Oops dont know why that posted anonymous
ok now I dont even see the comment LOL.. just stopped by to say SALAM and tell u I miss u x
I understand the feeling. It isn't too much to ask for, really. Just be careful of what you ask for..you might just grow in ways you might never have expected. (:
Salam alaikum Mariam,
I hope all is well insha Allah...
I am an old childhood friend of yours...we used to go to Quran classes with Sh Abdullah at Jame mosque WAY back...
I believe you can find all that in Canada in this life, however, our real home is in the next life insha Allah...
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